目前累積專案經歷2.5年,在這段時間,經歷過撰寫商業提案書、需求規劃書、設計從概念到實現的UI/UX、團隊Daily Scrum和建立Sprint Plan和進行網頁的手動前端測試,目前理解Software PM作為IT人員有許多技能要持續進步,才能更好的成為更加可靠的PM,因為真的很喜歡跟團隊達成目標或是產品從概念到釋出被使用者使用的感覺,這會是我持續前進的職涯目標。
Currently, I have accumulated 2.5 years of project experience, during this time, I have experienced writing business proposals, requirement planning, designing UI/UX from concept to implementation, team Daily Scrum and creating Sprint Plan and conducting manual front-end testing of web pages. I hope to become a reliable PM step by step, because I really like to work with the team to achieve the goal or the feeling of releasing the product from the concept to the user, and this will be my career goal to keep moving forward.
職涯目標會隨著職涯經歷和更了解工作之後調整,在此分享目前對於自身職涯的理解和前進的目標,也期待可以透過工作經驗變 得更加成熟且專業,歡迎交流指教。
I would like to share my current understanding of my career and my goals for the future, and I look forward to becoming more mature and professional through my work experience.
Through the accumulation of project or product career experience to understand the industry knowledge, project management style and improve the gap between theory and practice, and continue to promote the success of the project.
I expect to be well versed in the product, management, and technical aspects of the industry, and to work with a variety of people in different fields.
Long Term(長期)
I look forward to having the intuition of project management and being familiar with the impact of working together as a team on a product or project to create business success or added value to the project.